Recent Blog Posts
Post-Election Analysis
Post-Election Analysis Do you have a plan to measure how effective your electoral work was this election year? The day after the election, your stakeholders and donors will ask if your efforts to turnout [...]
Don’t waste your money on people who already voted
Don’t waste your money on people who already voted Are you encouraging voters to turnout for 2022 elections, but unsure if you are wasting money sending mail, texts and ads to people who already [...]
Grasstops Advocacy: Finding Influencers and Influentials for Your Cause
Grasstops Advocacy: Finding Influencers and Influentials for Your Cause Federal and state lobbying often relies on relationships and leverage to influence policymakers on legislation. Lobbyists and advocacy groups often look for help from Influencers [...]
Need lists for grassroots advocacy?
Need lists for grassroots advocacy? Federal and state lobbying is oftentimes an “inside-baseball” kind of game. Lobbyists and special interest groups with relationships and leverage use their connections to policymakers to influence what goes [...]
Are you ready for Cookiepocalypse?
Are you ready for Cookiepocalypse? Even with Google’s recent announcement they’re delaying killing cookies in 2024 rather than 2023, Cookiepocalypse is still bearing down on digital advertisers. In order for you to communicate with [...]
Need to Extend Your Audience Reach? Consider a Lookalike Model
Need to extend your audience reach? Consider a lookalike model. Many of our clients who have first-party data (e.g. members, volunteers, activists, donors) eventually hit a wall with their lists. Open rates are on [...]