National Omnibus Survey – Top Lines – Round 5

National Omnibus Survey

Top Lines – April 24, 2024


American Strategies and Statara designed and administered this multi-modal survey. Data were collected through a randomly selected online non-probability panel sample provided by Dynata Research. The survey reached 1,151 adults, age 18 or older. The survey was conducted April 11-23, 2024.

Quotas were assigned to reflect the demographic distribution registered voters in the United States. The overall margin of error is +/- 2.9%. The margin of error for subgroups is larger and varies. Percentage totals may not add up precisely due to rounding.


Variable Name: EDLL

Question: Most fossil fuel pipelines run across privately held land. Companies pay landowners for the use of the land through something called a land lease agreement, which is a private transaction between the company and the landowner where the owner is paid for the use of his or her land. This is how most pipelines are constructed.

Does this information make you (ROTATE) more or less likely to support the construction of a fossil fuel pipeline?

Count Percent
Total Answering 1,167 100%
Yes 206 17.7%
No 606 51.9%
Yes 284 24.3%
No 71 6.1%


Variable Name: FFPIPE

Question: Moving on, in general, do you (ROTATE) support or oppose constructing pipelines for fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas, or carbon capture?

Count Percent
Total Answering 1,167 100%
Strongly support 338 29.0%
Somewhat support 458 39.2%
Somewhat oppose
270 23.1%
Strongly oppose
101 8.7%


Variable Name: GEBUILD

Question: In general, do you (ROTATE) support or oppose constructing green energy infrastructure such as wind farms or solar panel farm?

Count Percent
Total Answering 1,167 100%
Strongly support 482 41.3%
Somewhat support 450 38.6%
Somewhat oppose
157 13.5%
Strongly oppose
78 6.7%