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Custom Influencer Audiences: The Future of Targeting

By |February 17th, 2023|

Custom Influencer Audiences: The Future of Targeting Certain individuals are better positioned to engage policymakers using their relationships, expertise, and/or celebrity–at Statara we call these people Influencers. How can you reach them? Statara builds [...]

The Definition of Insanity

By |December 19th, 2022|

The Definition of Insanity It shouldn’t take Einstein to explain that 2022 has been a challenging year for the cannabis industry. Yet, Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting [...]

Statara’s Data Dictionary

By |October 24th, 2022|

Statara's Data Dictionary When Washington changes, so does the nexus of influence Now is the time to plan ahead, understand your audience and how they engaged in the election, and assess the new spheres [...]