Grasstops Advocacy: Finding Influencers and Influentials for Your Cause

Federal and state lobbying often relies on relationships and leverage to influence policymakers on legislation. Lobbyists and advocacy groups often look for help from Influencers and Influentials to engage policymakers using their relationships, expertise, or celebrity.

But how do you enlist Influencers and Influentials?

First, let’s understand the difference.

Influencers are people with public personas who hold sway over followers, fans, and enthusiasts. Influencers range from rockstars to academics; athletes to corporate CEOs; and TiKTok celebrities to former government ministers. They have a bullypulpit and a megaphone that people respect and listen to.

Influentials are people who are decision-makers or those who have a pre-existing relationship with a decision-maker. Influentials range from elected officials to their staff; associates to donors; colleagues to neighbors. They have access and “the ear” of a decision-maker.

Statara’s audience data can help you identify the Influencers and Influentials who most resonate with the policymakers and staff you’re trying to get your advocacy message in front of.

Let us help you construct Influencer or Influential audiences for your advocacy campaign. Contact us at to learn more.